Hello! Thank you for dropping by! This website is a collaborative effort made possible by a community of individuals who wish to see the arts they love thrive. Therefore we put together resources, projects, and information, available to anyone, anywhere for free. What we know, you know because we believe that by raising everyone else up, we’ll naturally rise too. While this may seem like it’s Aikido specific, all of the information available can be used for other martial arts as well, and even businesses in general.
Please feel free to poke around, and contact us if you have any questions about anything. We realized that individually, we are small, but together we can create measurable change. Our mission is to see the arts we love grow and prosper, but we can’t do that if our groups remain separated and without exchanging resources. If you find this information useful, or believe you have information we can use, please drop us a comment in the comment boxes, or use the contact information in the About Us page. We’d love to hear from you!
When a minority group pushing change was below 25% of the total group, its efforts failed. But when the committed minority reached 25%, there was an abrupt change in the group dynamic, and very quickly the majority of the population adopted the new norm. In one trial, a single person accounted for the difference between success and failure.
NEWS and announcements
January 13, 2020Google Rolls Out Jan 2020 Core Updates, Cause Some Panic, Others Apathetic
Google rolled out their core updates for Jan 2020, which they do every so often. It optimizes their search algorithm...Read MoreJanuary 11, 2020NY Dojos Should Be Aware Of Shield Act
NY is rolling out the SHIELD ACT which is in regards to personal data privacy (similar to GDPR in the...Read MoreJanuary 10, 2020Get Your Ads Up For The January 15 Rush
Traditionally, when January 15 hits, you have about 2 weeks where you are likely to make the highest volume of...Read MoreJanuary 10, 2020Facebook Ads Can Cause Unintentional Demographic Skew
Facebook’s algorithm automatically optimizes the demographic most likely to convert based on the performance of your ad within a certain...Read MoreJanuary 10, 2020Meetup Changes Pricing Structure, Causes Outrage and Launch of Free Alternative
The activity website meetup.com has begun testing changes to their pricing structure from charging just the organizers ($9.99/month under 50 members)...Read MoreJanuary 10, 2020Google Chrome May Not List Sites Without SSL Certs
Make sure your website has an SSL certificate (if you don’t know what this means, check if your site has...Read More